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How to Ride Metro
Not sure how you will ride the Paris Metro? Guenol shows the way.
More Pet Animal Stories
Belgium Just Opened A Divine Cycling Path Inside A Forest
Bahrain sinks a Boeing plane to create this eerie underwater theme park
Orangutans Go To School In Borneo, Indonesia
These goats produce spider silk
Daily Escape: San Francisco, California on a giant bicycle
5 fascinating places nature is slowly reclaiming
Millions Of Red Crabs Take Part In Epic Migration On Christmas Island Each Year
This Town Uses Giant Mirrors To Steal Winter Sunlight
Meet Stan, The Robot That Can Park Your Car At The Airport
Would you like fries with your shark? Trinidad's jaw-dropping street food
Baby shark in egg case gets quiet amid predators
This Underwater 'Lost City' Off Greek Island Was Actually Built By Bacteria
The eerie sound of solar wind
Swinging In Estonia Is No Child's Play
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America has a restaurant where 'nurses' serve 20,000-calorie burgers
America has a road that sings when you driver over it
The 5 fairytale villages in Europe
Scientists turned mice into 'zombie' hunters
New Zealand's Glowworm Caves Transport You To A Magical World